Curricula Reformation and Harmonisation in the field of Biomedical Engineering

Work Package 6



6.1 Dissemination of project results

Up to date a significant number of dissemination activities have been performed.

The project and its objectives have been presented on several international conferences: INTED 2009, Valencia, Spain; Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, World Congress 2009, Munich, Germany. Preliminary project results have been presented on BioVision, Alexandria 2010, Egypt and the 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2010, Chalkidiki, Greece.

The project results have been referred in a paper published in a Hungarian medical weekly journal as well as presented on a lecture delivered at a conference on health related industry in West-Hungary.

Information on the results of the project activities has been disseminated at the West Pomeranian University of Technology (WPUT) – seminars, Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, WPUT “ERASMUS” Programme Council – reports. The WPUT, Faculty as well as Department websites will be used as dissemination channels. Also, a special Internet discussion forum established by participants of the Conference on BME Education in Poland OKIBEdu 2010 in Krakow, Poland, will be used. Publications (papers, presentations) are planned in the future.

The Biomedical Center of the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania, has systematically been involved in activities that contributed to the dissemination of the results and the activities of the project – related to the development of BME studies. Apart of implementing a web-site and a flyer printing system, used as dissemination channels, we have used the dissemination in the framework of national and international conferences.

Acquaintance of the university staff with the CRH-BME project objectives has been performed in an organization meeting in Kutaisi State University, Georgia.

Information about the first project stage (overview of BME study programs at Czech and Slovak universities as well as universities of all other partners) has just been prepared for publication in Czech BME journal “Physician and Technology – Czech and Slovak Biomedical Engineering”.

Description of the project as well as some preliminary results have been published on the web pages of several project partners: Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Department of Electronics, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria. More information will also be published in the future.

Two partners from Italy, the University of Bologna and the University of Naples – Federico II cooperate together to prepare a document reporting on the review of national BME programs to be reported to the Italian National Bioengineering Group. Publication of this document in relevant literature will also be accomplished.

Project activities have been presented at the Annual Assembly of Croatian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering in 2009 and 2010. A conference paper reporting on project activities has been prepared and will be presented at 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE EMBS in Buenos Aires, Argentina in August 2010.

Furthermore, promotional materials, leaflets, brochures and posters have been prepared, printed and distributed to the project partners and the wide public in order to increase the visibility of the project and its results. Project web page has been recently initiated at the Lead Partner site. The address is:

All partners are strongly encouraged to promote the project visibility and disseminate the project results.